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22Oct 2019

Mick's dream Landcruiser VDJ79 tourer

This Landcruiser build had a lot of thought put into it. It needed to tow a larger caravan, and or a large plate alloy fishing boat, while also allowing for camping and going off grid.

Starting off with a Merlot dual cab Landcruiser, that was fitted with the polished bull bar and side rails, we gave it an ADR approved rear track correction, then six wheeled it to take the GVM to 4,495Kg and towing to 4,500Kg.

Once it left us the vehicle went out to Sparks Industries for a custom tray and lift off canopy. The rest speaks for itself - a real head turner!!

Aside from the lift off capabilities, the canopy was fitted with:

• Drop slide fridge

• Clearview slide kitchen

• Dual rear spare tyre carriers

• Rear roof access folding ladder

• Custom outboard motor slide and trolley (the axle stays on but the wheels come off to fit inside the box with minimal effort)

• Custom drawers

• Under tray drawer and tool boxes

• Pull out awning

• Solar panels on the roof of the canopy

• Dual battery setup with DC to DC charger & solar controller

The whole finish was amazing