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Carry More Off Road

Our 6 Wheelers have been used for over 35 years for all kinds of tough off-road work, including off-road tour buses on Fraser Island, Cape York Peninsular, The Red Centre and The Kimberley, mine service vehicles for open cut and underground mines, crop spraying on black-soil cultivation, support vehicles on adventure rallies,  and even as supply vehicles for desert exploration, without mentioning our more adventurous everyday travellers who criss cross outback Australia.

All lazy axle systems are NOT created equally

Our unique lazy axle suspension system has a 60 : 40 load share between the rear axles, whereby 60% of the load remains on the drive axle in most situations.
This is combined with between 250mm to 300mm of articulation between the rear axles, enabling our 6 wheelers to  typically go anywhere a standard 4WD travels. Our 6 wheelers can keep up with their unmodified 4 wheeler counterparts in most situations when empty, but when loaded the 6 wheeler will typically out-perform the 4 wheeler.
This is due to the stability of our rig, the weight distribution of the load and vehicles flotation. Our vehicles perform exceptionally well in the sand.


Why Not 6x6?

Short answer is that most people love the idea of a 6X6, but for most they do not need, nor will ever use the 6x6 functionaility, as our standard 6X4 conversion will typically allow the vehicle to travel anywhere the standard 4wd variant will go.

A 6 wheel drive vehicle isn’t very practical for the majority of our customers. Sure they can look good, and have impressive off road capabilities, but most customers would not take their vehicles into those places especially when towing or carrying a slide on camper
6x6 systems have a lot of moving parts. A 6X6 has a much higher purchase price and higher ongoing maintenance costs. The added components in a 6x6 = a higher tare weight (about 300-400kg) reducing the payload they can achieve on a car license. With equal load share between the 2 rear axles and with 4 wheels pushing straight ahead, this makes them harder to steer off-road and they can scrub tyres.
That said, if you have a habit of getting bogged in a stock 4WD, and or your application calls for a 6x6 then we can point you in the right direction for that too, but sometimes it is as simple as a decent 4wd course (that course can potentially save you up to 20% on insurance too) and or installing diff locks in addition to our standard lazy axle conversion.