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After a long period of testing and checks, the first ever Ford Ranger V6 Six Wheeler is finally here. 

Not only does it look fantastic from the outside, but you are able to carry 1.5t and tow 3.5t simultaneously, all with just a car licence. This makes it the ideal vehicle for people who are looking to travel around Australia while towing a caravan/boat as well as tradies who need to carry heavy equipment to and from the worksite.

With a GVM of  4495kg and GCM of  7995kg, you are able to carry and tow more safely without the worry of having an overloaded vehicle. 

If even more capacity is needed, Heavy Vehicle registration will obtain 4755kg GVM with 4500kg towing capacity and 8255kg GCM.

Six Wheeler Ranger Vs F150 for gooseneck towing

There is a common misconception that a Ford F150 Truck would be a better vehicle to use for gooseneck towing and carrying compared to a Six Wheeler  Ranger V6 Ute. 

Although the F150 may seem to have more space when looking at the vehicle, the issue surrounds the ball load weight. 

The ball load is usually around 20% or 900kg which is still too much for a stock F150 with a tub, let alone one with a tray body. With a 900kg ball load, the F150 would still need some serious GVM upgrade including new load rated wheels and tyres for a rear axle load rating of around 2400kg. 

The Ford Ranger 6 Wheeler has around 700kg spare payload (for whatever else you want to carry) in the same scenario 

Please note: This information is provided as a rough guide. The figures and calculations are approximate.


Below is a comparison between the PY Ranger & F150 with a 900kg Ball Load (Gooseneck)